Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pretty & Cute haul [Picture Heavy!]

Ahhhhh Pretty&Cute!

What is Pretty&Cute? Pretty&Cute is an online store on the West Coast the sells Korean, Japanese, and Taiwanese beauty products, clothes, hair products, accessories, nails and more! I discovered them about 2 years ago, when they were just a small bitty thing, and sorta watched for awhile as they slowly grew bigger. Finally, I decided to order from them! Check out was quick and simple, and any order over $75 dollars includes free shipping [in the US]. Plus, they always have some sort of promotion going on, and shipping is amazing! Every time I've ordered from them, it normally takes 3-5 days and its on my doorstep!

Now, normally I order about 200 dollars worth of merch from themat a time, but this latest haul was just some things I wanted to try out, as my normal wares are currently sold out T.T

So this time around, I ordered myself:

Bison 2 in 1 Plumplus Lipgloss in Mode
Bison 2 in 1 Plumplus Lipgloss in Sweet
Lioele Blackheadzero Nose Patch
My Beauty Diary: Pearl Powder Mask (5)
Pa Eyelashes in Girly Doll Eye 11

Jump to read the reviews!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

First Post!

Well, here it is.

My first post. It took a while to finally get it started, but now that this part is out of the way, it should be a lot easier.

I guess a little about me. I'm a cosmetologist, and I love my job. I pretty much have an interest in anything and everything: Fashion, Make up, Video Games, Comics, Manga, Anime, Collectibles from games and comics, food, shoes. Everything, ehehehe.

 I also love reading blogs about these things as well, so I was sorta inspired to start my own, reviewing make up, hair products, movies, games, food, books, comics. Hence the name.

I hope everyone sticks around, and see you in future posts!

With Love <3,
